My 20 Lessons Of Life

Lessons Of Life

Below I have posted my 20 Lessons Of Life. These are my truths. Some I have borrowed from others, some are all my own. I urge you to make your own list. Borrow from others when they align with your own thoughts. Develop your own list based on your life.

1) Faith, Family, Friends, and Career, in that order.

2) Always be growing.

3) If the choice is to be right or to be kind, choose to be kind.

4) Live below your means.

5) Seek to add value to someone every day.

6) Develop good daily habits.

7) Always have a sense of urgency. We never know when our time here will end.

8) Challenge/Question every negative thought.

9) Make your health a priority...physical, spiritual and mental.

10) Stay in touch. Reach out to family and friends often.

11) Give generously and quietly.

12) All stress is self-induced. Stop it!

13) Action is the antidote for the poison called doubt.

14) Don't be reckless with other peoples' hearts. Don't put up with anyone who is reckless with yours.

15) Think deeply daily.

16) Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire.

17) Focus on what you want, not on what you are trying to avoid.

18) You will never have more time than you do right now.

19) Say yes to your loved ones far more than you say no.

20) Results come from our actions. Actions are driven by our feelings. Our feelings are a result of our thoughts. If you want to change your results, change your thoughts.

Do it today! Sit down and write your list. Post it somewhere you will see it everyday!



"Challenge the negative, embrace the positive and light up your world." Ron Knudsen